iCARDIA 2010
Initiatives and Interventions for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Diabetes
For the first time a National Conference on Initiatives and Interventions for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Diabetes(iCARDIA) has been organized here in Chennai on the 6th and 7th of March 2010 at the Le Royal Meridien. A myriad of topics addressing CV risk reduction in Diabetes will be covered by renowned speakers from both India and abroad.
India has been very clearly identified as a “Diabetes Depot”. The burden of diabetes and its complications continue to take a heavy toll on quality of life of people living in India and this behooves people at all levels to take action. ACEER health has stepped up to the plate and has put together this exciting conference addressing relevant and critical topics in reducing CV risks in Diabetes.
This two day session has International Faculty which includes eminent folks like Dr Mark Molitch, Dr. David Sorretino, Dr. Michael Davidson and a host of distinguished National faculty to say the least